Tuesday, November 10, 2015

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Dog Skin Infection Recognize and Treat The Symptoms

A dog skin infection can either be bacterial or yeast related but both are easily treated. Yeast infections are very common in warmer weather so are often misdiagnosed as allergies.  If your dog is bothered by itchy ears and paws, and is scooting across your floors, then you're likely dealing with yeast.  See here for more on how to treat yeast infections in dogs.

Common Causes     
You may be wondering how on earth your best pal contracted a skin infection, but it's not that uncommon for them.  Especially if they fall into one of the most common categories below:

The most common causes for a dog skin infection are

Dogs that already suffer from allergies
Dogs that scratch or lick at their skin a lot (usually because of allergies)
Dogs that have floppy ears (especially the heavy, pendulum-type ears)
Breeds that have lots of skin folds, such as a Shar-Pei, or a Bulldog
Skin infections in dogs are not solely restricted to these causes though, any dog can get one, so learning about the different types, causes, symptoms, and treatment, is always good to know.

You can usually tell which type of infection your dog is suffering from based on the visual symptoms (see above table).  This is, however, more difficult when the infected area is the ears as the visual symptoms are the same - shaking the head, scratching the ears, holding the head to one side, etc.

Having said that, if itchy ears is accompanied by lots of biting and licking of the paws, then a yeast infection is more likely the cause.

If your fur-baby is suffering with ear infections, she really will be suffering, it's painful.  That's why ear infections should always be checked by your veterinarian, she can give quick relief.

You can find more information  on Dog Ear Problems.

Your veterinarian will be able to determine the type of infection by taking a swab from the ears and analyzing this under a microscope.  Once you know the type you can treat accordingly.

Bacteria Infections
Bacterial infections are frequently a secondary condition to allergies caused by the dog itching and constantly scratching. The more the dog scratches with allergies, the more chance there is of him breaking the skin, which can lead to a dog skin infection.

You can get a better idea of how allergies can affect canines by clicking on the relevant links below:

Dog skin allergies
Dog allergy symptoms
Dog allergy treatment plans

A dog that loves to play in muddy puddles or just enjoys swimming is prone to a dog skin infection.

Bathe your dog with a good quality medicated shampoo that contains an antibacterial agent. Baths should be given twice a week for the first 2 weeks, then scale down to once a week for a month and finally just once a month.
Antibiotics and/or ear-drops prescribed by your veterinarian.

Keep your eye on a bacterial infection as occasionally it can become deep rooted.  In this case you'll likely see oozing sores, hair loss, and even abscesses, which can all become extremely painful for your dog and a trip to your vets will be necessary.

Fungal/Yeast Infections
Have you noticed a rather pungent "yeasty" smell coming from your dog?.....Even after bathing her? If this is the case, then you are most likely dealing with a yeast (fungal) infection.

Moisture contributes greatly to fungal infections and dogs with floppy ears or folds of skin are more prone. Particularly in the warmer months.  See here for more details on treating yeast infections in dogs.

Weekly baths with an antifungal shampoo. A gentle rinse will also help, especially in stopping the skin from drying out.
Your vet may prescribe medicated antifungal drops, if your dogs' ears are affected.

An important note here, even If your dog's skin infection seems to ONLY affect your her ears, you will still have to bathe with an antifungal shampoo. Otherwise, the problem usually comes right back as soon as the ear drops stop.

Link:  http://www.dog-care-knowledge.com/dog-skin-infection.html

Dog Health Problems

All dog breeds are susceptible to certain illness and health conditions. While a Boxer may be susceptible to certain ailments, this does not mean that your dog is doomed to have all of them.  We will go over the most common health concerns with this breed and also steps that you can take to keep your Boxer healthy.


It is not uncommon for a Boxer to have problems with acne.  Most cases will appear when the dog is in the stage of puberty and may pimples may be a chronic issue during this time.  If proper care is not taken, it can develop into a more serious health issue of infection.  In addition, aside from the aesthetic element, scarring may occur.  Read more about Boxer dog Acne.

Aortic Stenosis - (Heart Condition)

This is a canine issue that affects the dog's heart. The Boxer breed is more prone to this than some other dog breeds.

Mild cases are sometimes not noticed and the dog will live a normal life. However, this is inherited and once passed down to Boxer puppies, those pups may have more severe cases.

Therefore, the detection of this Boxer health issue is important.

For dogs that do have a severe form of Aortic Stenosis, this can be very serious.

More about Aortic Stenosis

Many of us have heard the words Arthritis and Osteoarthritis so many times that we begin to think of this as a normal and accepted part of getting older for our dogs. However, even young dogs can have this health issue.

While it is true that as a dog ages, the chances of arthritis increases, your dog does not need to live in pain! There are many types of treatment for this and ways for you to make your dog more comfortable. A Boxer dog owner should be aware of the signs, diagnosis methods and treatments for this health issue, to help their Boxer dog live a happy and healthy life for as long as possible.

More about Boxer Dog Arthritis

This is a very serious Boxer dog health problem...And can be avoided in many cases. If the signs of canine bloat are not noticed and treatment is not given...a dog could succumb to this in as little as an hour.

Bloat can happen to a Boxer dog of any age. Thankfully, the chances of getting this are greatly reduced when an owner understands how to prevent it.

More about Boxer Dog Bloat


Cancer is the #1 reason serious health issue for Boxer dogs. While cancer strikes dogs of all breeds, an owner should take time to keep an eye out for early symptoms. As with humans, catching this early greatly increases the odds of survival. Boxers dogs are particularly prone to the development of mast cell tumors, lymphoma and brain tumors.

White Boxers, and colored Boxers with white markings should be protected from the sun, as they are vulnerable to develop skin cancer if sunburns occur.

More about Boxer Dog Cancer

Cardiomyopathy (Heart Condition)

Boxer Cardiomyopathy is a very complicated Boxer health condition. Studies are still underway to understand more about this issue. Currently it is known that cardiomyopathy causes the heart of the dog to beat too quickly or unsteadily.

This can happen at random intervals and hard to detect unless you know what symptoms to look for. If the uneven beats happen in too great of a sequence, the dog may weaken to the point of unconsciousness, coma or worse.

More about Boxer Dog Cardiomyopathy

Ear Mites

This can be quite a problem for dogs, ears mites are extremely contagious and will quickly jump from dog to dog or cat to dog. When a Boxer has ear mites, this can cause quite a bit of discomfort for the dog and you will want recognize the symptoms so that treatment can begin as soon as possible.

More about Boxer Dog Ear Mites

Ear Infections

The Boxer dog may develop a common ear infection or have frustrating reoccuring infections. This can be caused by a wide variety of bacteria, allergies or foreign elements. There is help for all types. Learn about symptoms, treatment and prevention.

More about Boxer Dog Ear Infections

Eye Diseases

The Boxer breed is prone to eye problems; most likely due to their facial structure. Cherry Eye, Corneal Dystrophy and Uveitis are some of the most common eye health issues with this dog breed.

More about Boxer Dog Eye Diseases and Problems


Sadly, many owners believe that Heartworms only strike unclean dogs or those that are not loved and taken care of. However, this is a widespread very serious canine disease. Worms from 6 to 14 inches (15-35 cm) long grow and burrow into a dog's heart. They multiply; up to 300 worms can live in a dog's heart and arteries. It is vital for dog owners to understand prevention and treatment.

More about Boxer Dog Worms

Hip Dysplasia

This is a Boxer dog health issue where there is a malformation of the dog’s hip joint(s), which then often leads to Osteoarthritis. The Boxer dog, among other dog breeds, is prone to this health condition. Passed on genetically, this type of canine disease is progressive – meaning that it will worsen as time goes by.

More about Boxer Dog Hip Dysplasia

Histiocytic Ulcerative Colitis (HUC) – A Disease of the Colon

This particular canine disease hits the Boxer breed more than any other dog breed in the world. It causes ulcers in the lining of the dog’s large intestine. This, in turn, causes the dog to have diarrhea and/or blood in the bowel movements.

More about Boxer Dog Colitis
Intervertebral Disk Disease – A Canine Back Problem

Intervertebral disk (IVD) disease in canines can be quite serious. It may cause loss of motor function, loss of coordination and in sadly, in some cases, paralysis. While more common among certain breeds, a dog of any breed may develop this.

More about Boxer Dog IVD and Back Problems

Pyloric Stenosis – A Stomach Disease

This is a stomach condition - not to be confused with bloat - and there is no clear understanding of why this is seen in some dog breeds but not others.The Boxer and the Boston Terrier are both prone to this. (Both dog breeds do have similar bone structure of their heads) and it is also seen among some small breed dogs.

Pyloric Stenosis is when the muscles around the stomach’s exit become very thick. With vomiting and bloating occurring, it is important to have this treated. There may be rapid weight loss due to the symptoms.

The time span between eating and vomiting is what will distinguish 'regular' vomiting from this stomach disease. Normally, when a dog eats, the food is gone from the dog’s stomach about 8 hours later. While a dog may vomit right after eating when having this health problem, he or she will also vomit up to 24 hour later…when there would usually be no food left in the stomach. This points to the food being “stuck” in the stomach because of the thickened muscles.

With this Boxer dog stomach problem, the vomit will usually contain large pieces of undigested food.

It is diagnosed by carefully documenting when the dog eats and when the dog vomits. Barium studies with X-rays may show the narrowed stomach outflow.

In mild cases, the vomiting does not happen often and a dog can live a normal life without treatment. In severe cases, treatment must be given right away; if not, the dog can succumb to this canine disease.

Medication will be given to help the dog’s stomach muscle rest and loosen. Surgery may be needed in some cases. The tightened muscle is removed or the exit area of the dog’s stomach is widened. Thankfully, the majority of surgeries are very successful.

Red Mange / Demodectic Mange – Skin Disease

A mite, called the Demodex lives on the skin of all dogs. When puppies are born, these are passed on to them from dam to pups. For healthy Boxer dogs, this does not cause any concern and the dog will not have any health issues. However, when a Boxer’s immune system is a bit down, this can cause severe health problems.

The Mange can then appear as patches on the dog’s skin. 90% of the time, the dog’s body will fight this off on its own. In 10% of the cases, this will develop into something much more serious.

Thyroid Problems – Hypothyroidism

Problems with a Boxer dog’s thyroid gland can cause an alarming array of canine health issues. When a dog’s thyroid malfunctions, it can cause problems that range from epilepsy to skin conditions. The Boxer breed is prone to having this issue and without treatment this can greatly affect the dog’s quality of life.


A dog can get seizures, just like a human. There are different types such as the Tonic-clonic, Petit Mal or Status Epilepticus. A dog will often show strange symptoms such as repeated behavior (as if a movie is looping over and over again), drooling, staring into space, confusion, falling down, stiff limbs or unconsciousness.

Learn about the different types of canine seizures, the symptoms of each and what to do if this happens.

See Boxer Dog Seizures
Keeping Your Boxer Healthy 

To keep your Boxer healthy and allow your dog to reach his/her expected life span:
Follow proper feeding guidelines. Never allow your dog to eat your food. Do not overfeed.
Give your Boxer plenty of exercise: walking, running and playing. Do not exercise him or her right after they have eaten.
Be sure to keep up with grooming. Dental disease can kill. Daily brushing must be done, as well as professional cleanings. Infections in the ears and on the face can be prevented with cleanings.
Be aware that the Boxer is capable of ingesting non-food items such as socks and objects that can cause internal blockage.
Offer your dog a safe, clean and calm environment. Stress can cause disease in dogs. Your Boxer should have a great family environment, plenty of interaction with humans and a warm and dry place to rest and sleep. Never allow your dog to overheat by being left outside in hot weather.
Make sure your Boxer is always up-to-date with vaccinations and preventative Heart worm medication.
Bring your Boxer for regular checkups to catch any problems early. Whenever your dog behaves outside of their regular pattern, such as not wanting to be touched, sleeping or resting excessively, not eating as usual, etc; bring him or her to the veterinarian.

Read more:   http://www.allboxerinfo.com/boxer-dog-health-problems

Top Ten Dog Training Tips

Learn to listen to your dog. If your dog appears to be uncomfortable meeting another dog, animal or person, don’t insist that he say hello. He’s telling you that he isn’t comfortable for a reason, and you should respect that. Forcing the issue can often result in bigger problems down the line.

Most people don’t have a problem being very clear about when they are unhappy with their dogs, but, they often ignore the good stuff. Big mistake! Make sure you give your dog lots of attention when he’s doing the right thing. Let him know when he’s been a good boy. That’s the time to be extra generous with your attention and praise. It’s even okay to be a little over the top.

Just because the bag says “a treat all dogs love” doesn’t mean your dog will automatically love it. Some dogs are very selective about what they like to eat. Soft and chewy treats are usually more exciting for your dog than hard and crunchy treats. Keep your eyes open for what he enjoys.

There is nothing inherently wrong with telling your dog “no,” except that it doesn’t give him enough information. Instead of telling your dog “no,” tell him what you want him to do. Dogs don’t generalize well, so if your dog jumps up on someone to say hello and you say no, he may jump higher or he may jump to the left side instead of the right. A better alternative would be to ask him to “sit.” Tell him what you want him to do in order to avoid confusion.

Whenever you’re training your dog, it’s important to get as many family members involved as possible so everyone’s on the same page. If you are telling your dog “off” when he jumps on the couch and someone else is saying “down,” while someone else is letting him hang out up there, how on earth is he ever going to learn what you want? Consistency will be the key to your success.

Changing behavior takes time. You need to have realistic expectations about changing your dog’s behavior as well as how long it will take to change behaviors that you don’t like. Often behaviors which are “normal” doggie behaviors will take the most time such as barking, digging and jumping. You also need to consider how long your dog has rehearsed the behavior. For example, if you didn’t mind that your dog jumped up on people to say hi for the last seven years and now you decide that you don’t want him to do that anymore, that behavior will take a much longer time to undo than if you had addressed it when he was a pup. Remember it’s never too late to change the behavior some will just take longer than others.

Feed your dog a high-quality diet with appropriate amounts of protein. If your dog spends most of his days lounging in your condo, don’t feed him food with a protein level that is ideal for dogs who herd sheep all day. The money that you will spend on feeding an appropriate quality food will often be money that you save in vet bills later on. I recommend you always check with your veterinarian for the right diet for your dog.

If your dog exhibits a behavior you don’t like, there is a strong likelihood that it’s something that has been reinforced before. A great example is when your dog brings you a toy and barks to entice you to throw it. You throw the toy. Your dog has just learned that barking gets you to do what he wants. You say “no,” and he barks even more. Heaven forbid you give in and throw the toy now! Why? Because you will have taught him persistence pays off. Before you know it you’ll have a dog that barks and barks every time he wants something. The solution? Ignore his barking or ask him to do something for you (like “sit”) before you throw his toy.

The idea of using treats to train is often equated with bribery. Truthfully, dogs do what works. If using treats gets them to do what you want, then why not? You can also use the world around you as a reinforcement. Every interaction you have with your dog is a learning opportunity, so when you think about it, you probably don’t use food very often except during active training sessions. So why does your dog continue to hang out? Because you reinforce him with praise, touch, games and walks. Just remember, the behavior should produce the treat; the treat should not produce the behavior.

Let your new dog gradually earn freedom throughout your home. A common error that many pet parents make is giving their new dog too much freedom too soon. This can easily lead to accidents relating to housetraining and destructive chewing. So, close off doors to unoccupied rooms and use baby gates to section off parts of the house, if necessary. One of the best ways to minimize incidents is to keep your dog tethered to you in the house and by using a crate or doggie safe area when you can’t actively supervise him.

Link:  https://www.petfinder.com/dogs/dog-training/dog-training-tips/

How to Keep a Dog in Good Health

Take your dog to the veterinarian. Schedule yearly examinations so you dog can get important tests and vaccinations done. Your vet will also get to know your dog and will be able to tell if something's wrong with his health. Regular check-ups can prevent many treatable diseases.
If you have a puppy, take it to the vet around 6 weeks old. The puppy will be checked for hernias, heart, lung, eye, and ear problems. The puppy will also be put on a preventative de-worming schedule and given important early shots and boosters.

Keep a Dog in Good Health Step 15

Get your dog vaccinated. The rabies vaccination should be given around 12 weeks and is required in many areas. You might be severely penalized if you haven't vaccinated your dog and he nips or bites a person or another pet. Consider vaccinating your dog against Lyme disease. This disease causes joint pain, swelling, fever, and possibly fatal kidney disease.
Dogs that spend a lot of time outside, live on farms, or hunt are at increased risk of getting this tick-borne disease.

Keep a Dog in Good Health Step 16

Consider spaying or neutering your dog. Spaying or neutering your dog can reduce some behavioral problems and decrease the chance of certain tumors and infections. If you spay or neuter your dog, you won't need to worry about caring for or placing unwanted puppies.
Microchipping is also encouraged in case your dog ever becomes lost.

Keep a Dog in Good Health Step 17

Monitor and prevent fleas. Watch for signs of fleas on your dog: dark specks in the fur, lots of licking and scratching, or scabs on the skin.[14] Once you've found fleas on your dog, you have several options. See your vet for an oral medication, wash your dog with flea shampoo, and put a flea collar on your dog.
Flea collars and monthly skin treatments are good ways to prevent fleas in the first place. Talk with your vet about a regular flea prevention routine.

Keep a Dog in Good Health Step 18

Have your dog tested for heartworm. A yearly blood test is needed to check for this widespread disease. Heartworm is spread by mosquito bites so it's hard to prevent. Instead, a monthly tablet or a shot which lasts for up to 6 months is used to kill any organisms present in the blood stream.

Also Read More:   http://www.wikihow.com/Keep-a-Dog-in-Good-Health

Dog Skin Problem

Dog Health Problem

Natural Dog Food

Organic Dog Food and Natural Dog Food: Which Dog Food is Right for Your Dog?

The latest trend in natural dog food has sent heaps of dogs and their pet parents on a natural and organic dog food kick. In reality, it’s more than just a trend in dog food—it’s a new standard for healthy eating and a healthier well-being for your canine best buddy. As a responsible and caring pet parent, you want what’s best for your dog, but that doesn’t mean you have to become an expert on every type of dog food and product offered. It does help, however, to know which nutrients, vitamins and food sources will provide your dog with a nutritious and well-balanced diet. Another wise step to take is to learn about the benefits of natural dog food as well as how the premium ingredients in organic dog food can promote overall better health.

Essentially, natural dog food consists of natural food sources and ingredients that offer your dog a nutritious and delicious meal without preservatives, synthetic chemicals or artificial ingredients. Organic dog food is considered natural as it is comprised of the same types of natural food sources and does not contain any preservatives or synthetic materials. The difference is that the natural food source ingredients used in organic dog food follow USDA standards in being “organic” and have not been exposed to pesticides, growth hormones or antibiotics. This absence of artificial and synthetic ingredients leads to a dog food that is wholesome and easier for your dog to digest.

A variety of natural and organic dog food formulas are also equipped with nutrients and vitamins that promote hip and joint health, healthier skin and coat, as well as a stronger immune system. Out of the abundance of dog food choices available, the question still remains as to which type is best suited for your dog. With some pet parents, the decision stems from their dog’s breed and environment, while some focus on their dog’s age or activity level. While neither thought process is better than the other, it is wise to add your dog’s other health conditions into to the mix. By feeding your dog a type of natural dog food, you can rest assured that his diet will be wholesome and nutritious and that you are supporting his overall health and well-being.

Read more:  http://www.petco.com/Dog-Food.aspx

Dog Freshener

Dog Training Tips

Enough Space For Dog

Dog Health

Dog Food

Tips to Keep Your Best Friend Healthy

Are You Ready to Get a Dog?

Your heart says it's time to add a furry friend to your household, but you've got some practical questions. Is your home right for a dog? What type of pooch fits your lifestyle? Here's what you need to know before taking the plunge.

Do You Have Enough Time?

All dogs need attention. If you travel a lot and are rarely home, a dog probably isn't the best pet for you. But busy people can have dogs too, if they choose the right breed and temperament.

"There are border collie puppies that need to have mental and physical exercise 10 times a day, and there are older Labrador retrievers that just want to lie by the fire," says animal behaviorist Patricia McConnell, PhD, author of The Other End of the Leash. "We're all at different places in our lives, and dogs are no different."

If the dog will be home alone for significant periods of time -- for example, while you're at work for 8 hours -- you'll need to find a dog walker, doggie day care, or other way to make sure that your dog can get outside to do his business while you're out.

You should plan to devote time to socializing and training your dog, especially at the beginning. You'll need to do that even if you're bringing home an older dog.

"People sometimes don't realize how much it's worth to socialize and train their dog early," says Susan Nelson, DVM. Nelson is a clinical associate professor at Kansas State University's Veterinary Health Center.

Do You Have Enough Space?

Space is an issue when you bring home a dog. Other pets, like cats, can often thrive in much smaller spaces. But many dogs need a little more breathing room.

"Do you have a yard?" Nelson says. "In general, the bigger the dog, the more space and exercise they will need."

Do You Have Enough Energy for a Dog?

Dogs, just like people, need regular exercise to stay healthy.

Also keep in mind, a bored dog is often a destructive dog. If you don't give your new friend a good way to burn off extra energy, you may find that he takes it out on your new shoes or your flower garden.

Different types of dogs need different amounts of exercise. Regular walks around the block may be just fine for a shih tzu. But a Siberian husky or Great Dane is going to need more space to roam and someone to keep him company.

You don't have to have a big backyard if you choose a dog with lots of energy. But you should have at least one dog-friendly park or open space nearby.

Can You Afford a Dog?

The cost of taking care of your new best friend can add up. Your costs may include veterinary care, food, and boarding or pet sitting while you're away.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals puts the average yearly cost of owning a medium-sized dog at just under $700. Bigger dogs cost a bit more; smaller dogs, a bit less.

You'll probably pay more than that during the first year, especially if you bring home a puppy, with expenses like spaying and neutering and vaccinations.

Don't cut corners. "People bring home puppies and they can't afford the parvo vaccination, and then the puppy comes down with parvo, which costs hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to treat," Nelson says.

What Dog Is Right for Your Family?

If you've decided that you're ready to bring home a dog, the next step is finding the right match for you and your family.

The most important thing, McConnell says, is to make sure your dog's personality matches your needs.

"People often confuse personality with breed," he says. "Even though there are some breed consistencies, every breed has different personalities within it."

What Dog Is Right for Your Family? continued...

But ultimately, every dog is unique.

Also consider whether you want a puppy or an older dog. "A lot of people are getting older dogs, which is great," says McConnell. "They think that the dog may be calmer and less hyper, which can often be true. And they assume the dog will be house-trained. But just because a dog is house-trained doesn't mean it's trained in your house"

When your new dog comes home, expect that it will be a lot of work for the first few weeks.

"You're bringing in an entirely new living creature into your home, one who's probably in shock," McConnell says. "Imagine if you moved into a stranger's home and you couldn't tell them things like, 'I usually eat breakfast around this time, and I really want to get outside after lunch.' If you can, plan on someone taking at least a couple of days off to help your dog settle in."

Link:  http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/healthy-dog-tips-13/ready-for-dog?page=3